Category: Northampton Place
What Does Our Little Real Estate Brokerage Do To Check Out Possible Renters In 22302 In Alexandria?
Nesbitt Realty prepares written leases for property owners with rental properties in Alexandria as a part of our investment place of residence management in 22302 in the City of Alexandria service. Writing a lease is one of the most necessary elements of the successful property management in Alexandria of a rental in the counties of Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax and Falls Church.
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Who Writes The Lease For A Rental Condo That Our Family Real Estate Brokerage Manages?
Making a lease is one of the most important responsibilities of any local rental property manager in 22302 in the City of Alexandria.
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3101 N Hampton Dr #1109, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed
$289,900 ⁞ ⁞ Alexandria VA 22302
How Much Does A 715 Sqft} Residence Similar To 3101 N Hampton Dr #1109 Cost In 22302?
Stuart Nesbitt informs us that, depending upon your budget, you might want to deliberate on this condo at 3101 N Hampton Dr #1109 which is listed $289,900. Above all, compare 3101 N Hampton Dr #1109 to others in the area that have approximately 985 sqft of living area. Continue reading3101 N Hampton Dr #914, Alexandria VA 22302 Advertised For Sale
Basic Factors About Listings Listed At Northampton Place
Desiring 822 Sqft In 22302 in the City of Alexandria?
Will Nesbitt tells us that 3101 N Hampton Dr #914, Alexandria VA is an one-of-a-kind small opportunity at $400,000. However, the average living area of condos in the Alexandria area is 1,735 sqft. Continue readingAre You Trying To Find A 1 Bedroom Property For About $350,000?
If you are looking at purchasing a noteworthy 1 bedroom property for about $350,000, 3101 N Hampton Dr #1509 should probably be on your list. But it's not the only 1 bedroom property for about $350,000 you'll want to see in Alexandria, Virginia.
If you have questions about 3101 N Hampton Dr #1509, or the real estate market in The City of Alexandria, contact Will Nesbitt today. Get a load of this one-of-a-kind residence at 3101 N Hampton Dr #1509 which is listed today.
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3101 N Hampton Dr #1410, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch
$350,000 Listed For Sale At 3101 N Hampton Dr #1410 In The City of Alexandria
Small Condo For $350,000 in 22302 in the City of Alexandria
3101 N Hampton Dr #1410, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is selling for $350,000. Therefore, you may want to take into account this condo (depending upon your price range). Nevertheless, compare this to the average square feet (1,459) of properties in the City of Alexandria to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading3101 N Hampton Dr #211, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory
Are You Seeking A 2 Bedroom Real Estate For Around $550,000?
If you’re interested in learning more about places not unlike 3101 N Hampton Dr #211 in 22302 in the City of Alexandria, you’ve come to the right place.The City of Alexandria Elements
- The average days on market in the City of Alexandria is 73 days.
- The average living area in the City of Alexandria is 1,437 sqft. On the other hand, 3101 N Hampton Dr #211 has 1,379 sqft of living area.
- The City of Alexandria has an average price per square foot of $398 . Still, 3101 N Hampton Dr #211 is $384 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the City of Alexandria?
- 4600 Duke St #508 is the least expensive home in the City of Alexandria. 4600 Duke St #508 is listed for $1,650. But, 601 & 607 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the City of Alexandria. 601 & 607 Oronoco St is asking $5,400,000.
- The median age of homes in the City of Alexandria is 47 years. 3101 N Hampton Dr #211 is 18 years old.
3101 N Hampton Dr #803, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed
Basic Basics About Homes Listed At Northampton Place
Purchasing a home comparable to 3101 N Hampton Dr #803 for many people is the most complex financial choice a person will ever make. In fact, as a trusted local real estate agent, Julie Nesbitt will be a strong guide who understands the sympathetic and explanatory support that buyer clients need if hunting 2-bedroom condos in 22302 and acquiring a home like 3101 N Hampton Dr #803. Actually, there are always dangers in Alexandria, Virginia real estate. However, a proactive specialist like Julie can help you to manage or avoid many of the pitfalls associated with buying a property in 22302. Continue readingAre You Seeking A 0 Bedroom Property For Approximately $250,000?
Yes, you can find a 0 bedroom property for approximately $250,000 in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of budget properties in The City of Alexandria.
Possibly one of them is the right property for you. If it's not 3101 N Hampton Dr #1519, then it might be one of the properties listed below. To view this 601 sqft home email buyers agent Will Nesbitt. He can help you with any 0-bedroom 1-baths home listed for sale in Alexandria.
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