Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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Are You Dreaming About A Tiny Condo In The City Of Alexandria?

If you have questions about 2500 N van Dorn St #918, or the real estate market in 22302 in Alexandria, contact Will Nesbitt today. If you are considering a purchase of a mid 20th-century tiny condo in the City of Alexandria, your selections might be limited right now. 2500 N van Dorn St #918 might be the best choice for you, but we have a few more suggestions below. Continue reading "Are You Dreaming About A Tiny Condo In The City Of Alexandria?"
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Are You Dreaming About A Modest Condo In The City Of Alexandria?

If you are looking for a mid 20th-century modest condo in the City of Alexandria, 307 Yoakum Pkwy #1410 should probably be on your list. But it's not the only modest condo in the City of Alexandria you'll want to investigate in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. As a purchaser you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a home in the City of Alexandria.  Ask Julie Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. She can help. We'd love to help you find your next home. Contact us if any of these contemporary homes like 307 Yoakum Pkwy #1410 interest you. Continue reading "Are You Dreaming About A Modest Condo In The City Of Alexandria?"
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2181 Jamieson Ave #508, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

2-BR 2 BA Condo :: Alexandria VA 22314

So, is 2181 Jamieson Ave #508 the condo for you? Frankly, Nesbitt Realty really doesn't know.  That is, unless you answer a series of questions. Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you shopping for a $584,900 2-bedroom 2-baths residence in 22314 in the City of Alexandria? Can you afford $584,900? Is it actually worth $614,145 or $555,655? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,190 on this condo acquisition? Not to mention, homeownership offers children the benefit of educational and social continuity. Continue reading "2181 Jamieson Ave #508, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed"
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Surprising Recommendations For Purchasers Looking For A Budget Property In 22312

As might be expected, you can find a budget property in 22312 in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of budget places in 22312 in Alexandria. Possibly one of them is the ideal home for you. If it's not 301 N Beauregard St #101, then it might be one of the properties listed below. To visit this residence, get in touch with buyers agent Will Nesbitt. He can assist you with any condo smaller in 22312. Continue reading "Surprising Recommendations For Purchasers Looking For A Budget Property In 22312"
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5902 Mount Eagle #1612, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed

How Much Do 1,005 Sqft Listings Cost At Montebello in 22303 in Alexandria?

5902 Mount Eagle #1612 is a wonderful penthouse, Still, it's not for every buyer. There are so many questions to ask yourself.

There are a lot of things to think about. For instance:

What style of residence do you prefer? If you like other penthouses, you'll love the community around 5902 Mount Eagle #1612. Do you want a basement? none of the penthouses in this area have a basement. Do you want the most expensive home in the area, like 2394 Stella Place or do you prefer the least expensive penthouse like 2239 Farrington Ave #201? Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle #1612, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed"
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400 Madison St #202, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale

Some Factors About Condos Listed For Sale In The City of Alexandria

Talk to us to learn more about 400 Madison St #202 in 22314 in the City of Alexandria. [random_content group=but}, in the meantime, here's some basic information to get you started.

Real Estate Factors About The 22314 Area

  • The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 44 years. 400 Madison St #202 is 46 years old.
  • The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $636 . On the other hand, 400 Madison St #202 is $481 per sqft.
  • The average number of days on market in the 22314 area is 114 days.
  • The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,599 sqft. Above all, 400 Madison St #202 has a 1,610 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that masonry is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is listed for $1,700. But, 607-601 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 607-601 Oronoco St is asking $5,995,000. Indeed, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 12/10/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Stuart Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the 22314 area or for information about condos comparable to 400 Madison St #202. Continue reading "400 Madison St #202, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale"

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